Сочинение по английскому на тему мой день рождения 5 класс

English Topics

Вариант 1 (200 слов)

My birthday is one of the most exciting days of the year for me. I always look forward to it with great anticipation. This year, I turned 11 years old, and it was a fantastic day. I woke up to a room filled with balloons and decorations, and my family sang “Happy Birthday” to me as I blew out the candles on my cake.

After breakfast, my parents surprised me with a trip to the zoo. We spent the whole day there, seeing all kinds of animals and having a great time. We even got to feed the giraffes! When we got home, my friends came over for a party. We played games, ate pizza, and had a lot of fun.

Overall, my birthday was a wonderful day filled with love, laughter, and joy. I am grateful for my family and friends who made it so special.

Вариант 2(400 слов)

My birthday is always a special day for me, and this year was no exception. I turned 11 years old, and it was a day filled with love, laughter, and joy.

The day started with my family singing “Happy Birthday” to me as I blew out the candles on my cake. My parents had decorated my room with balloons and streamers, and I felt so loved and appreciated. After opening my presents, we had a delicious breakfast together.

Then, my parents surprised me with a trip to the zoo. I love animals, so I was thrilled to spend the day there. We saw all kinds of animals, from lions and tigers to monkeys and birds. We even got to feed the giraffes, which was a highlight of the day for me.

When we got home, my friends came over for a party. We played games, ate pizza, and had a lot of fun. My parents had set up a photo booth with props, and we took silly pictures together. We also had a piñata filled with candy, which was a hit with everyone.

As the day came to a close, I felt grateful for all the love and joy that surrounded me. I am lucky to have such wonderful family and friends who made my birthday so special. I will always remember this day as one of the best birthdays ever.

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