Сочинение на тему мой любимый журнал на английском 7 класс

English Topics

Вариант 1 (200 слов)

My favorite magazine is National Geographic. I love reading about different cultures, animals, and nature. The pictures are always stunning and the articles are very informative. I especially enjoy the travel section, where I can learn about different countries and their customs. The magazine also has a section on conservation, which is very important to me. It’s great to see how people are working to protect our planet. I look forward to receiving my copy every month and spending time reading it. National Geographic is not only entertaining, but it also helps me learn about the world around me.

Вариант 2(400 слов)

My favorite magazine is National Geographic. I have been a subscriber for several years now and I always look forward to receiving my copy in the mail. The magazine covers a wide range of topics, from different cultures to animals and nature. The pictures are always stunning and the articles are very informative. I especially enjoy the travel section, where I can learn about different countries and their customs. It’s like taking a virtual trip around the world!

One of the things I appreciate about National Geographic is its focus on conservation. The magazine has a section dedicated to showcasing people who are working to protect our planet. It’s inspiring to read about the different ways people are making a difference, whether it’s through recycling, reducing waste, or protecting endangered species. It’s a reminder that we all have a role to play in preserving our planet for future generations.

Another thing I love about National Geographic is its commitment to education. The magazine often includes articles that are geared towards children, which is great for me as a seventh-grader. I have learned so much about different cultures, animals, and nature through reading National Geographic. It’s a fun way to learn and expand my knowledge.

In conclusion, National Geographic is my favorite magazine because it’s not only entertaining, but it also helps me learn about the world around me. The stunning pictures and informative articles make it a joy to read. I appreciate the magazine’s focus on conservation and education, and I look forward to receiving my copy every month.

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