Сочинение моя семья на английском 5 класс

English Topics

Вариант 1 (200 слов)

My family is very important to me. I have a mom, a dad, and a younger sister. We all live together in a small apartment in the city. My mom works as a nurse and my dad is a teacher. They both work very hard to provide for our family. My sister is in elementary school and she loves to play with her dolls and draw pictures. We all enjoy spending time together, whether it’s watching a movie or going for a walk in the park. We also like to travel and explore new places. Last summer, we went to the beach and had a great time swimming and building sandcastles. I am very grateful for my family and all the love and support they give me.

Вариант 2(400 слов)

My family is the most important thing in my life. I am lucky to have a loving mom, dad, and younger sister. We all live together in a small apartment in the city. My mom works as a nurse and my dad is a teacher. They both work very hard to provide for our family and make sure we have everything we need. My sister is in elementary school and she loves to play with her dolls and draw pictures. She is always making us laugh with her silly jokes and funny faces.

We are a very close-knit family and we enjoy spending time together. On weekends, we like to go for walks in the park or visit museums and art galleries. We also like to travel and explore new places. Last summer, we went to the beach and had a great time swimming and building sandcastles. We also visited a nearby aquarium and saw all kinds of amazing sea creatures.

One of my favorite things about my family is how supportive they are. They always encourage me to pursue my dreams and try new things. When I decided to join the school’s drama club, they were there to cheer me on and attend all my performances. They also help me with my homework and study for exams.

Despite our busy schedules, we always make time for each other. We have family dinners every night and talk about our day. We also like to watch movies together and have game nights. I feel very lucky to have such a wonderful family and I know that they will always be there for me, no matter what.

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